The initial start of Wash With Vegetables was well attended. Thank you everyone for your soapport. :)
It has been quite a few weeks since I last posted. Time has a way of slipping away from me. It can be difficult to find a way in which to balance the time I need to explore my new passion while also working a full time day job and keeping the wash done, the dishes clean and food in the pantry. I will not let it get the best of me though! What has mostly kept me away from making soap is one of my favorite past times - doing research! I have had my nose buried in web pages, blogs, books and teaching forums looking for recipes and learning about the properties of some of the oils used in making soap. After a year of making successful batches of soap with the tried and true recipe given to me in the Mr. Green Beans ( soap making class, I am finally getting ready to formulate my own recipe.
Inspiration comes from many directions in life. One only has to open one's eyes and listen to the chorus of life all around. I am often inspired by music and nature (of course) and even the silly beer foam readings that a friend of mine- who has a real knack for reading them- offers up to me. All of life is connected, and if we are able to let go of the constraints that bind us in our day to day lives, we may be able to become more aware of the interconnectedness that we are a constant part of every day.
As I was inspired by my good friend Bridget to make a pure olive oil soap for her little one who was experiencing his first skin problem at 10 months old, this week I am inspired by another friend whose family is suffering from severe dry skin and excema. I have done a lot of research and have talked with a lot of people to find out what works for them. In fact, a large percent of the people I have spoken to who make their own soap came to the craft because of issues they were having with their own skin. Taking matters into their own hands, they learned how to make soap and are starting to see results for themselves. I have formulated a recipe that my friends are willing to try out. It will contain coca butter, shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and almond oil with a little bit of castor oil thrown in to add bubbles, and of course, everyone's favorite soap additive: oatmeal!
Inspiration is the focus for this next round of soap. I will update with photos and more details in the next week.
Until then.....
stay clean little noodles.
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